• (352) 209-9066
  • admin@zoadra.com
  • Ocala, FL, USA

Day 16: To the Land of Flowers

Every rodeo must come to an end. When the dust settles, we have heads full of new memory. I am grateful for the experiences I’ve had, the lessons I’ve learned, and sharing my time with you all. In my time on this sixteen day trip of 5,150 miles, I got to experience thirteen different states. I got to feel the […]

Day 12: Lazy Day Under the Colorado Sun

Today was another rest day. I made coffee, chatted with some friends online, and then played Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door some more. I beat Chapter 3, and then I decided to watch some TV. Meanwhile, my parents came back to the camper, and we all decided to cancel the concert, because we needed to go to bed early, […]

Day 11: Rocky Mountain Way

It was an early day for me, I woke up at 7 and couldn’t go back to sleep. We got breakfast and coffee at Wendy’s, and then headed out. We went east and crossed the desert steppe of southern Wyoming. Then we reached the border with Colorado. The Rockies are very pretty. I am starting to lose the glow of […]

Day 10: Into the High Desert

Today we woke up a bit later than usual, at 9, and decided that we would rather see more of Denver than another day at Yellowstone. We ate a quick breakfast, and we packed up and went south, heading for Rock Springs, WY. The landscapes were still awesome, and then it got even more awesome. We passed through the Tetons […]

Day 9: Circle of Fire

Today we woke up to a cool mountain air wafting through our window. I rolled out of bed, having showered just before bed, and got ready. We went down to the lobby and got breakfast sandwhiches and coffee, and we were off…! The scenery in the Yellowstone National Park is beautiful. It’s making me more interested in geology, forestry, and […]

Day 8: Enter Yellowstone

I’m lying in bed at Canyon Lodge. In West Yellowstone. Booyah. Yellowstone is a breathtaking place. My parents and I have been gawking at the mountains all day, driving across Wyoming. I found my happy place. I actually wrote a poem that I wish to share. Wyoming by Zoadra J. Zorro Far be it for me to be the judge […]

Days 6-7: Foggy Mount Rushmore

Day 6: Sioux Falls, Hills On day six, we woke up in chilly South Dakota to find that it was time to leave! But I had an important date with a local park… We went to a local diner called Marlin’s Family Restaurant, and I had biscuits and gravy. We were definitely noticing people had a distinctly Midwestern accent. We […]

Day 3: From North GA to Eureka, MO

This morning we woke up at 7am sharp to have coffee and cereal. I listened to some music with my dad, and told him “Happy Fathers’ Day”. We packed up and drove down the slope to get back on our way. Early in the morning we drove through the mountains of north Georgia into Tennessee. We rode through the mountains […]

Day 2: From Southern GA to North GA

Day 2 began at 9am sharp, and we gathered our things in the camper and packed up. We munched on some Chick-Fil-A minis, and headed out. Of course I got their iced coffee. We headed out and were on the road to North GA. Today was jam packed with adventure. We drove for several hours while I watched Star Trek: […]

(Intro +) One Week Away: Excitement and Anxiety

Intro + Profile Pic Here’s a shot of me! As a quick introduction, I am Zoadra J. Zorro, a musician, writer, and enthusiast of (most) geek things. My likes can range from Philosophy to Nintendo video games. I like writing, producing music, and sometimes drawing. I also am trying to break into film photography as a side hobby! I like […]