• (352) 209-9066
  • admin@zoadra.com
  • Ocala, FL, USA

Day 12: Lazy Day Under the Colorado Sun

Today was another rest day. I made coffee, chatted with some friends online, and then played Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door some more. I beat Chapter 3, and then I decided to watch some TV. Meanwhile, my parents came back to the camper, and we all decided to cancel the concert, because we needed to go to bed early, […]

Day 11: Rocky Mountain Way

It was an early day for me, I woke up at 7 and couldn’t go back to sleep. We got breakfast and coffee at Wendy’s, and then headed out. We went east and crossed the desert steppe of southern Wyoming. Then we reached the border with Colorado. The Rockies are very pretty. I am starting to lose the glow of […]

Day 3: From North GA to Eureka, MO

This morning we woke up at 7am sharp to have coffee and cereal. I listened to some music with my dad, and told him “Happy Fathers’ Day”. We packed up and drove down the slope to get back on our way. Early in the morning we drove through the mountains of north Georgia into Tennessee. We rode through the mountains […]